UI UX Sep 12, 2023
White Pencil Studio

We Did It Again! White Pencil Studio Wins the MarTech Excellence Award 2023

Hey there, readers! 

We’re super stoked to share some fantastic news – White Pencil Studio has clinched the MarTech Excellence Award 2023 in the Best Use of AI category! 

Buckle up, ’cause we’re about to take you on a ride filled with enthusiasm, teamwork, and a whole lot of heart.

Imagine being in a room full of marketing giants. It’s a tough crowd, but we didn’t just fit in; we stood out like a disco ball at a black-tie event. 

The MarTech Excellence Award is our way of saying, “Yeah, we’re here, and we’re rocking the boat!”

ET Brandequity is a prestigious platform that recognises the efforts of those who keep adapting with the dynamic trends of the industries and learn to best utilise the martech stacks in order to deliver a business impact. The platform celebrates the efforts of the ones who take commendable initiatives and set industry standards.

As a young team of creative individuals we were in awe to have graced the stage alongside industry giants such as CleverTap, Dentsu Webchutney, Haptik, Tata CLiQ Luxury, and Tata AIA Life Insurance. 

But how did it all happen? 

Let’s rewind!

The Dream That Became Reality

When we first thought about throwing our hat into the ring for this awesome award. Chaos reigned supreme. We knew our work was off-the-charts amazing, but signing up for something this big was like taking a leap of faith.

Getting our pitch game strong was no walk in the park. We had a deadline that felt like it was sprinting towards us, a bunch of decision-makers to get on board, and a few nail-biting moments when we thought we might just drop the ball. But guess what? We didn’t. As a team, we powered through the craziness, fueled by our shared passion for excellence.

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In a world where marketing and tech go hand in hand, the MarTech scene is where the action is. It’s not just about selling stuff; it’s about making connections and changing the game. The ETBrandEquity.com Martequity Awards 2023 is all about celebrating the folks who’ve been shaking things up in the tech-meets-marketing world. 

We scored big in the Best Use of AI category, and we’re over the moon about it!

Every victory is a lesson, and this one’s no different. We want to shout out a massive “THANK YOU” to Hassan, the founder of Simublade. His vision and support were like the secret sauce that made this win taste oh-so-good.

Aiming High, Going Farther

At White Pencil Studio, we’re not about resting on our laurels. 

Nope, we’re on a never-ending quest for greatness. This win is just one stop on our journey, and we’re inviting you to come along for the ride.

This isn’t just about making an impression; it’s about leaving a mark that’ll last a lifetime.

We’re off to a celebration now, and we’ll see you again with another one soon!

shivam - CEO
Shivam Srivastava

With 9+ years of industry expertise, Shivam is the founder of White Pencil Studio - recently recognised as the top Marketing and Branding agency by Clutch. He intends to pass on his knowledge of Marketing, Branding and Design to add value to the industry.


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