White Pencil
News Jul 27, 2023
White Pencil

Finding a branding partner is one of the most difficult tasks any business can undertake. This is because they’ll be entrusting their whole identity and possible future to whoever they choose. It’s not a small decision, and some companies can get stuck in this phase for an extended period if they’re not careful.

Fortunately, White Pencil Studio makes this decision so much easier because we’re the team they should pick. This is because we’ve been recently named as one of the most reviewed and recommended branding agencies in the world by The Manifest.


White Pencil

The Manifest is a company listing platform whose main aim is to connect companies with vendors that can help them complete their ongoing or upcoming projects. These efforts work closely with the awards program they organize to highlight teams making a positive impact on their clients.

In line with this, we want to express our heartfelt thanks to our clients both past and current for all their efforts in making this award a reality for our team. If it wasn’t for their initiative in writing and publishing their reviews of our work, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

Boosted by this most welcome development, our team will head into the new year with even greater purpose and higher expectations. We have all the necessary tools, skills, knowledge, and experience to reach the top of the industry. If our partners are willing to continue to provide the support they’ve shown us so far, it’s only a matter of time until we do so.

If you want the best branding agency in the world in your corner, you can start learning about us through our website. Contact us today and we can begin crafting brilliance together.


shivam - CEO
Shivam Srivastava

With 9+ years of industry expertise, Shivam is the founder of White Pencil Studio - recently recognised as the top Marketing and Branding agency by Clutch. He intends to pass on his knowledge of Marketing, Branding and Design to add value to the industry.


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