White Pencil Studio
News Feb 24, 2023
White Pencil Studio

From the founder’s desk

As I sit to write this, the past two years run in a flashback in front of my eyes, weirdly, my mind only takes me back to the times when it didn’t feel like a cakewalk. 

There is something unforgettable about the days when we stayed long hours after work for project deliveries – when it was no one but us, days when believing in a dream became difficult and nights when we all happily had scrambled eggs for dinner while discussing the projects at hand. 

They say it’s in the big wins, but now being in this place I realise, it wasn’t the big client onboardings or successful pitches that brought us here.

White Pencil Studio

It was always about the do-over-donut parties, changes-made-over-chai and calming conversations that we had on the way. It was in the days when we stood up for each other and dragged those on low will together to the finish line. Today I know what they mean when they say “Live the Journey.”

For any startup, the initial days are the real challenge, in those days you witness the good and the bad to the extremes. The highs take you to cloud 9 and the lows leave you questioning everything from the beginning because you never know what takes you a step closer to a “Time Out.”

I still remember the day we announced “White Pencil” was official. It was a team of 15 people and the glimmer in their eyes told me something. In that very moment, I knew we had each other’s back and that we weren’t stopping no matter who pulled the timer out. 

We all shared a vision: to revolutionise the way marketing works and to make digital experiences more human for everyone who uses them. Which in my opinion helped us hold it together. Because unlike any other startup, where people work to live the dream of one, at White Pencil, we all were dreaming the same dream all over again, morning, noon and night. 

Growing as a company teaches you many things and one of those is people management. Understanding your team especially when they might not be on their best front can come as a challenge. However, a mutual faith develops with time which helps you accomplish a lot together.


In the past years, we’ve collaborated with brands from different industries like FMCG, Hospitality, EdTech, FinTech, and SaaS. Each one of those clients was special and close to our hearts. Our hard work also led to many honorary recognitions, such as Manifest’s Top Branding & Content Marketing Agency and the 8th Web Excellence Award. 

But pencil’s don’t believe in a glass ceiling, and hence we were constantly on the lookout for that one thing that would truly power our growth and help us move past the so-called success benchmarks that we set for ourselves along the way, unknowingly. 

Those days I was in constant touch with the founder of an IT company called Simublade- a software development company founded in Texas, in 2015, which uses emerging technology mixed with priceless ideas to create diverse solutions for different consumer types. It was surreal how our thoughts and visions aligned seamlessly. Meetings stretched to hours, we didn’t realise when Google Meets turned into discussions over lunch. Ironically, I always saw exceptional scope in the IT industry and knew for a fact that a collaboration with a force like that would help us unleash levels of success. 

And the day came when we found the missing piece of this puzzle, honestly, everything changed so swiftly that we were kind of taken aback. Nevertheless, my gut testified that the cards were in our favour. 

It still feels mind-numbing but it’s time we put it out there. 

White Pencil has collaborated with Simublade and this partnership is marking the beginning of an era to be remembered.

The creative smarts of White Pencil and the technical experts of Simublade are on their way to mapping out an enriching journey and creating a one-stop solution for brands across the globe. We believe that this collaboration will help both companies achieve new realms of success and create exceptional solutions. 

And that we are finally breaking through the glass ceiling by expanding our presence to different parts of the world like Houston, Austin, and San Francisco as you read this. 

There’s a lot more in the store, and we will open the box of possibilities one by one – but what matters is, we are here now and we’re here to stay!

shivam - CEO
Shivam Srivastava

With 9+ years of industry expertise, Shivam is the founder of White Pencil Studio - recently recognised as the top Marketing and Branding agency by Clutch. He intends to pass on his knowledge of Marketing, Branding and Design to add value to the industry.


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